Retail and brands festival: Amersfoort 2019

Retail and brands festival: Amersfoort 2019

This fall promised to be rich in festivals and events for The season started with an annual Retail and Brands Festival that took place on the 12th of September in De Rijtuigenloods Amersfoort. We joined forces with Google, Booming, Greenhouse, 10xCrew, Adspert, and Afound to pilot a fascinating new format of the event.

The festival's mission statement called out its status as "Tap Into the New Consumer Economy" to ensure that current retail brands will succeed in the following years.

The idea behind the Retail and Brands Festival was to combine sharing knowledge, music, inspiration, good food & drinks, and meeting other people under one roof. It was a platform where all attendees, from retail giants and corporate leaders to international e-commerce players, could engage in dialogue, share their interests, and new perspectives.

Throughout the day, you could find various workshops with the most vital marketplace topics located on multiple stages and in the carriages. Also, this ambitious project allowed listening to those who inspire and sketch new perspectives. One of the speakers was Jorrit Steinz, the founder and CEO of He shared marketplace insights and spoke about changing the landscape for brands and retailers. According to Jorrit, "In 2021, marketplaces models will generate more revenue than is currently going on in e-commerce at all."

Also, in his interviewJorrit Steinz stressed that retailers and brands who are increasingly selling through these types of platforms, among other things, significantly increase their visibility. However, they have to make sure that they "understand how the game works and can get themselves under control by being present in the right places and with the right strategy". 
