Vital tools to power your multichannel expansion

Want to boost sales by selling on new channels?
Are you already selling on multiple channels but find it difficult?
In this ebook we show how you can unlock the value of multichannel selling in the simplest way possible.
We take a look at the key considerations for multichannel selling, which software makes it easier for you, and we share the story of Ridam Online, and how they transformed from a traditional retailer to multichannel ecommerce.
Key topics we'll explore:
🔎 Choosing the optimal channels and selling model
The advantages of scaling on marketplaces across regions are clear, providing you navigate the right path. Find out how to decide what works for your brand.
🛒 Scaling on marketplaces: what you need to know
Discover the four stages of marketplace growth and the six main challenges of multichannel selling.
💻 The essential role of a digitized backend system
Without a well functioning back-end, you're going to run into A LOT of issues. Find out how to set yourself up for success.
🎒 Ridam Online: shaping modern retailing
Ridam Online evolved from a traditional outdoors retailer, to a multichannel ecommerce powerhouse! Learn from their journey
📈 Actionable tips for your business
Learning is great but what can you actually implement in your business? Get five actionable tips from Katana PIM and ChannelEngine.
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