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Success Story: Adognicosto

After almost 2 years of partnership with Channelengine, the company has achieved unexpected results, opening new marketplaces in different European countries without facing essential investments in its structure.
Results summary:

After almost 2 years of partnership with Channelengine, the company has achieved unexpected results, opening new marketplaces in different European countries without facing essential investments in its structure.

Channelengine allows us to manage thousands of transactions every month without running any risk of errors - often frequent in the publication of stocks and sales prices - and above all, it allows us to continue to focus on the constant growth of our range of action.

Adognicosto is now a seller present in 6 different European marketplaces and offers its products to millions of potential buyers in 15 other countries. Every day, from our headquarters in Cologno Monzese, we deliver multiple shipments throughout Europe to ensure our customers the certainty of receiving their purchases quickly.

Company overview

Adognicosto S.r.l. was founded at the end of 2014 to offer consumers a wide range of products that, until then, were sold only to professional operators. At the beginning of 2016, we have started an important and ambitious project of investment in the market of refurbished products, with particular attention to the Smartphone and Tablet sector. After 4 years we have achieved the ambitious goal of drastically expanding our markets reaching more than 15 European countries. We were able to achieve this goal thanks to the valuable contribution of ChannelEngine.


The Situation

Less than 2 years ago, the company was desperately looking for a solution to automatically and securely manage availability and pricing on the marketplaces in which it operated.


The Solution

We got in touch with Channelengine in September 2019 and, after an initial meeting in which we were presented with the potential of the platform, we realized that it could be the solution to our problems.

The integration of our CMS with Channelengine was quick. It allowed us to streamline significantly all those processes that would have otherwise taken time and resources that the company did not have.Channelengine's dashboard is very user-friendly. This has allowed the company to manage many variables involved in the classification, publication, and pricing of products in an almost entirely autonomous way.


Next Steps

In 2021 the company plans, with the precious contribution of Channelengine, to open at least 3 new marketplaces, both for new and refurbished products. Thanks to this partnership, we (as a small company) can aspire to become a significant player on many of the leading European sales platforms.
